In the Universal Awakening series, by using the multi-dimensional method of expression, the artist reveals the revolutionary insight on the undisclosed nature of the Universe – Gravity of time and space, the mutual co-existence of 'Blackhole' and 'Whitehole', the essence of creational evolution, the infinite and eternal nature of the present, what was before and after the Big Bang and the beginning and end of the Universe as well as the quintessence transcendental-quantum physics.
include "../../lib/trdbcon.php";
for ($c=1; $c<8; $c++) {
$art_cate = $c + 330;
include "../../lib/category_lib.php";
$sql = "select * from trans_present where category='$art_cate'";
/*쿼리 불러오기*/
$query="select * from trans_present where category='$art_cate' order by num asc";
$selectsql = mysql_query($query,$connect);
/*리스트 시작*/
for ($i=0; $i<$numrows; $i++) {
// 가져올 레코드로 위치(포인터) 이동
mysql_data_seek($selectsql, $i);
// 하나의 레코드 가져오기
$row = mysql_fetch_array($selectsql);
$item_num = $row[num];
$item_list_no = $row[list_no];
$item_subject = $row[subject];
$item_mc_num = $row[mc_num];
$item_f_root = $row[f_root];
$item_w_class = $row[w_class];
$work_img_url = "";
$daepyo = "mc";
$w_url = $work_img_url.'/'.$main_root.'/w220/'.$item_f_root.'/'.$daepyo;
$numcnt = $item_num * 4245;
} ?>
} ?>