[Original working-subtitles before Completion into Trans-Art]
'Motivating Source' of Evolution
'Driving Force' of Creation
The Rise & Dissolution of 'Relative World of Form'
유한성: 무한 진화의 원동력 | ||
[Original Inspiration from building the Sacred Pagoda of HAN]
“In the state of Equilibrium of Mind-horizon, Conscious-vertical
After witnessing the natural process of the rise and fall of I
Impersonal recognition arises with absolute clarity
After self-confirming the finite nature of I am
witnessing the inevitability of physical and mental dysfunction of I, as Human Nature
Sincere Gratitude Arises.
To the Safety-net of Creational Evolution
To the Harmonized Principle of Nature
To the Benevolent Justice in Stillness
Remembering the intrinsic consent on creation itself
the Innate Volition to Exist in Reality
In spite of the limitations of Finite Nature
Agreed upon Justice in Stillness
To Govern Existence
The Causality
The Relativity
Healer of Evolution
which makes imperfection Perfect”
[Original Inspiration before transformed into Trans-Art]
Inspired from contemplation during the construction of ONOL Pagoda
Display Simulations